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Introduction of University of Queensland Hydrometallurgy Research Group and their outstanding achievements


主题:  Hydrometallurgy Research Group and their outstanding achievements

主讲人:  James Vaughan

地点:  松江校区4号学院楼3158室

时间:  2018-01-13 10:00:00

组织单位:   77779193永利

主讲人简介:Dr Vaughan is professor of engineering in the University of Queensland School of Chemical Engineering, Director of the UQ RT Bauxite and Alumina Technology Centre and leader in the Hydrometallurgy Research Group. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering at McGill University followed by Master of Applied Science and PhD degrees in Materials Engineering at The University of British Columbia. Before joining UQ James gained valuable experience as a research engineer in industry, working for Placer Dome Mines and BHP Billiton.

内容摘要:The UQ Hydrometallurgy Research Group is developing a portfolio of high quality fundamental research across a range of hydrometallurgical processes relevant to industry sectors from base metals to Bayer alumina processing. Currently research is focused on a number of key aspects of processing including precipitation from aqueous solutions, ion exchange and membrane separations and leaching of minerals. The hydrometallurgy group is part of a holistic extractive metallurgy program and maintains close interaction with pyrometallurgists and mineral processers, with the aim of improving process routes for metal extraction and product recovery.

