苏亚欣教授博导 | 硕导
2000年毕业于浙江大学动力工程及工程热物理专业,导师岑可法院士。近年来主要从事燃烧技术与燃烧器设计、燃烧污染物NOx的选择性催化还原及新型催化剂研究、气固两相流动、传热与分离理论与旋风分离器特性、太阳能热利用与自然通风、以及固体废弃物的能源资源化利用(焚烧、热解)等领域研究。发表论文200余篇,SCI、EI收录120余篇,出版专著3部,全国统编教材2本,授权专利9。任中国高等教育学会工程热物理专业委员会理事,中国化工学会过滤与分离专业委员会委员,中国机械工业教育协会热能工程专业教学委员会委员等。担任美国期刊Journal of Energy and Power Engineering、中文核心期刊《热科学与技术》编委、International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research高级编辑。为多个国内外重要学术期刊审稿,包括Chemical Engineering Journal, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Fuel, Energy & Fuels, Applied Thermal Engineering, Building and Energy, Applied Energy, 燃料化学学报、环境工程学报、热科学与技术、化工进展、中国科学等。 获2008年度上海市高校优秀青年教师、2016年度上海市自然科学奖三等奖等。
2004.10——,中国高等教育学会 工程热物理专业委员会,理事;
2018.4---,中国化工学会 过滤与分离专业委员会,委员;
2016-,美国期刊Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Editorial Board member
2017.12-, 中文核心期刊《热科学与技术》编委;
2017.12-, International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research, Senior Editor.
1. 1990.9-1994.7, 中国地质大学(武汉)/探矿工程系,本科;
2. 1994.9-1997.7,华侨大学/机电工程系,硕士(传热学研究方向);
3. 1997.9-2000.6,浙江大学/热能工程研究所,博士(燃烧学研究方向)。
2006年8月-2007年8月,美国The University of Mississippi,访问学者,从事再燃脱硝的研究;
2019.7——, 77779193永利,建筑环境与能源工程系教工党支部书记;
2020.3-——, 77779193永利,建筑环境与能源工程系系主任。
1. 废轮胎再燃脱硝过程HCN/NH3生成特性及其还原机制——上海市自然科学基金(11ZR1401000);
2. 固定形态的微波吸收材料(微波吸收器)与微波相互作用下污泥的热解特性——上海市自然科学基金(11ZR1400700);
3. 金属铁直接催化还原NO气体的拉曼-红外光谱原位研究及量子化学模型研究——国家自然科学基金面上项目(51278095);
4. 干化过程中胞外聚合物(EPS)对城市污泥粘滞特性的影响机制及降粘方法研究—
1.Yaxin Su, Benson B Gathitu, Wei-Yin Chen. Efficient and cost effective reburning using common wastes as fuel and additives. Fuel, 2010, 89(9):2569-2582
2.Yaxin Su, Anqiao Zheng , Bingtao Zhao. Numerical simulation of Effect of inlet configuration on square cyclone separator performance. Powder Technology, 2011, 210(3): 293-303
3.Yaxin Su, Bingtao Zhao, Anqiao Zhen. Simulation of turbulent flow in square cyclone separator with different gas exhaust. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(21): 12162-12169,
4.Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su, Wenwen Tao, Leilei Li, Yuanchang Peng. Post-combustion CO2 capture by aqueous ammonia: A state-of-the-art review. International Journal of Green Gas Control, 2012, 9: 355-371
5.Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su, Yuanchang Peng. Effect of reactor geometry on aqueous ammonia-based carbon dioxide capture in bubble column reactors. International Journal of Green Gas Control, 2013, 17: 481-48
6.Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su. Process effect of carbon dioxide fixation and biomass production using microalgae: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 31: 121–132
7.Wenyi Deng, Yaxin Su, Shugang Liu, Henggen Shen. Microwave-assisted methane decomposition over pyrolysis residue of sewage sludge for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(17):9169-9179
8.Wenyi Deng, Yaxin Su. Experimental study on agitated drying characteristics of sewage sludge under the effects of different additive agents. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 2014, 26(7):1523-1529
9.Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su, Wenwen Tao. Mass transfer performance of CO2 capture in rotating packed bed: Dimensionless modeling and intelligent prediction. Applied Energy, 2014, 136:132-142
10.Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su, Wang Liu. Publication-based survey for status of scientific research and impact on post-combustion CO2 capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2015, 32: 56–60Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su, Yixin Zhang, Guomin Cui. Carbon dioxide fixation and biomass production from combustion flue gas using energy microalgae. Energy, 2015, 89: 347-357
11.Yaxin Su, Bingtao Zhao, Wenyi Deng. NO reduction by methane over iron oxides: characteristics and mechanisms. Fuel, 2015, 160: 80-86
12.Hao Zhou, Yaxin Su*, Wenyu Liao, Wenyi Deng, Fangchuan Zhong. Preparation, characterization, and properties of monolithic Fe/Al2O3/cordierite catalysts for NO reduction with C2H6. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 505: 402- 409,
13.Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su. Cyclone performances depend on multiple factors: comments on “A CFD study of the effect of cyclone size on its performance parameters” by Mehdi Azadi et al. (2010). Journal of Hazardous materials, 2016, 303:174-176
14.Yaxin Su, Bingtao Zhao, Wenyi Deng. Removal of NO by methane over iron in simulated flue gas with SO2. Fuel, 2016, 170: 9-15
15.Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su, Guomin Cui. Post-combustion CO2 capture with ammonia by vortex flow-based multistage spraying: process intensification and performance characteristics. Energy, 2016, 102: 106-117
16.Hao Zhou, Yaxin Su*, Wenyu Liao, Wenyi Deng, Fangchuan Zhong. NO reduction by propane over monolithic cordierite-based Fe/Al2O3 catalyst: reaction mechanism and effect of H2O and SO2. Fuel, 2016, 182:352-360
17.Hao Zhou, Kangkai Li, Bingtao Zhao, Wenyi Deng, Yaxin Su*, Fangchuan Zhong. Surface properties and reactivity of Fe/Al2O3/cordierite catalysts for NO reduction by C2H6: effects of calcination temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326: 737-744
18.Minhao Yuan, Wenyi Deng, Shilin Dong, Qiancheng Li, Bingtao Zhao, Yaxin Su*. Montmorillonite based porous clay heterostructures modified with Fe as catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with propylene. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 353: 839-848
19.Minhao Yuan, Yaxin Su*, Wenyi Deng, Hao Zhou. Porous clay heterostructures (PCHs) modified with copper ferrite spinel as catalyst for SCR of NO with C3H6. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 375:1222091
2006, 4th International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis and Emission Control (4th i-CIPEC), Kyoto, Japan ( 日本,京都),张贴报告,报告题目:A brief review on NOX control by reburning
2007,2007 International Conference on Coal Science and Technology,Nottingham, United Kingdom(英国,诺丁汉),口头报告,报告题目: Cost-Effective Reburning by Natural Gas Substitutes.
2013,XIth European Congress on Catalysis, Lyon, France(法国,里昂),张贴报告,报告题目:Experimental study on catalytic reduction of NO by methane over iron oxides.
2014, 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA2014),Prague, Czech Republic (捷克,布拉格),口头报告,报告题目: Experimental study on NO reduction by methane over metallic iron.
2015,15th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC), 中国,北京,张贴报告,报告题目:Theoretical study on the reaction of NO with Fe2 cluster
2015,September 27th - October 1st, 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ,Nice, France (法国,尼斯),口头报告,报告题目: Removal of nitrogen oxide by methane over iron in simulated flue gas with SO2。
2016, July 3-8, 16th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC 16), 中国,北京,张贴报告,报告题目:Insights into the effect of H2O and SO2 on Fe/Al2O3/Cordierite catalysts for NO reduction with propane.
2016,19-23 June,7th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, 19-23 June 2016, Krakow, Poland(波兰,克拉科夫)口头报告,报告题目:Effect of channel width on heat transfer and air flow in a built-in PV-Trombe wall。
2017,June 4-9, 25th North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society,Denver, Colorado, USA(美国,丹佛),张贴报告,报告题目:Calcination temperature effects on the characteristics of Fe/Al2O3/cordierite catalysts for NO reduction with C2H6.,
2017,October 1st - 5th ,10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spain(西班牙,巴塞罗那), 口头报告,报告题目:Experimental study on effect of water vapor on NO reduction by methane over iron.
2018,September 13-15, 2nd Edition of Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering & Technology, CAT 2018,Rome, Italy(意大利,罗马), 口头报告,报告题目:. SCR of NO with C3H6 over iron modified Ag/Al2O3 catalysts supported on honeycomb ceramic.
2018,September 17-19,9th World Congress on Green Chemistry and Technology, Amsterdam, the Netherland(荷兰,阿姆斯特丹),口头报告,报告题目: Effect of Al3+/clay Ratio on C3H6-SCR over iron catalysts supported on Aluminum Pillared Montmorillonite (Fe-Al-PILC).
2.苏亚欣,汪文辉。工业炉高温空气燃烧技术的同心式轴向旋流燃烧器。中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 200920073328.0
3.苏亚欣,汪文辉。工业炉高温空气燃烧技术的外绕式轴向旋流燃烧器。中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 200920073329.5
4.苏亚欣,邓文义,沈恒根。一种多边形冷却型双进口旋风分离器。中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201020596099.3
5.苏亚欣、邓文义。卧式旋风分离器。中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201120196156.3
6.苏亚欣,苏阿龙,王晓磊. 改进的粉状固体物料的微量输送装置.中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201220091375.X 号: CN202518642U ,授权公告日:2012.11.07
7.苏亚欣,邓文义,任立铭。再燃型双通道低氮氧化合物煤粉燃烧器。中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2012 2 0630240. 6
8.邓文义,苏亚欣,王晓磊,吴双凤。一种工业或城市污水污泥结合水形态及含量测量装置。中国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201220157409.0
1. 2004. 77779193永利“大学生暑期社会实践优秀指导教师”, 77779193永利;
2. 2005. 77779193永利五四表彰“师德建设青年标兵”,77779193永利;
3. 2006. 77779193永利“学生工作先进个人”,77779193永利;
4. 2009. 77779193永利2009年多媒体讲课竞赛优秀奖,77779193永利;
5. 2010. 77779193永利2009-2010年度我心目中的好老师,77779193永利;
6. 2011.77779193永利2010-2011年度我心目中的好老师,77779193永利;
7. 2019. 77779193永利我心目中的好老师,77779193永利;
8. 2009.上海市高校优秀青年教师. 共上海市教育卫生工作委员会,上海市教育委员会.
9. 2016. 旋流气体颗粒多相强化分离动力学理论与过程模拟方法。上海市自然科学奖,三等奖(3/3)。